Community Development
Community Development:
Mirpur Club will develop a community to caters the need of experienced professionals and visionary entrepreneurs. We are developing the model community to replicate in other parts of the country, and working for the societal impact on micro and macro level.
The Community to cater for the following needs:
(1) “Social security” within the community;
(2) Financial Raise;
(3) Retirement benefits;
(4) Social welfare;
(5) BENCity for Community living;
(6) Better Education for Future Generation;
(7) Good Friends.
The Way-out:
Consolidate living, maximize business function and social transaction within in the community, BEN10K. Our goal is to build the balanced community and raise the community with education and good culture that will make a pavement to ensure all rest six demands.
Serviced Community:
The community itself is creating quality and economical service to all individual in the community. Furthermore, it is an effective and functional human network so that raises trusted transaction within the community. The quality community services with lowest possible cost will be ensured.
A balanced effective network comprises with ten thousand entrepreneurs and professionals. The dream propels us to look forward on 2024 and beyond.
Creative & Innovative Society:
Creativity is a matter for MCL members which touches all component of life. Innovation drives us for new avenues and ventures to proceed further.
Professional Development:
Our target is to build an intellectual and intelligent community. To share knowledge we use tools like professional training, workshops, seminars and brain storming sessions. We design technical and soft skill training with a focus towards global trend and future demand. We build the network, extend the network and accelerate the network.
Entrepreneurship Development:
The primary goal of entrepreneurship development is to serve our community first. Our motto is to maximize the service provided to our community. The services will be extended to the larger society, whole country and the mankind.

Community Development with Professionals and Entrepreneurs